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UsÅ‚ugi dla przedsiÄ™biorców

Od pustego miejsca pracy,
do gotowego produktu

Znalezienie i rekrutacja pracownika z zagranicy przez przedsiÄ™biorcÄ™ chcÄ…cego zapewnić stabilność swojemu biznesowi to dopiero poczÄ…tek. Sam proces rekrutacji to obecnie jedynie wierzchoÅ‚ek góry lodowej procesu imigracyjnego. Cudzoziemcy, którzy chcÄ… wyemigrować do Polski, aby zapewnić lepsze życie sobie i swoim rodzinom w kraju pochodzenia, muszÄ… przygotować siÄ™ na dÅ‚ugi i czÄ™sto skomplikowany proces biurokratyczny w polskim systemie imigracyjnym.


AuRoom oferuje usÅ‚ugi klientom, którzy chcÄ… samodzielnie zatrudnić obywateli innych krajów, ale czÄ™sto brakuje im czasu, doÅ›wiadczenia, niezbÄ™dnej wiedzy czy zasobów ludzkich, aby wÅ‚aÅ›ciwie przejść przez ten proces. AuRoom pomaga przebrnąć przez tÄ™ procedurÄ™, przygotować i dostarczyć niezbÄ™dnÄ… dokumentacjÄ™ oraz zmaksymalizować szansÄ™ pracownika na uzyskanie odpowiedniego zezwolenia na pracÄ™ i polskiej wizy krajowej, która pozwala na legalne zatrudnienie w Europie.


Podstawowa działalność AuRoom obejmuje następujące usługi.

Wewnątrz fabryki odzieży w Wietnamie


​Process outsourcing consists in delegating (outsourcing) employees by an external company such as AuRoom to perform specific tasks for a client. As part of the outsourcing service, workers are employed directly by AuRoom under a contract of mandate or employment contract, but perform tasks at client's facilities. AuRoom is responsible for the following employment aspects.​

Work time evidence
Work management
Social + taxes
Salary management
Work clothing
Safety + training
rolnik rolnik


Temporary work service means that employees are employed by a temporary employment agency, in this case by AuRoom. and are made available to clients for a specified period of time, for the purposes of carrying out projects and tasks managed and controlled by a client in their facility. Temporary workers work on the basis of temporary employment contract or contract of mandate, which specifies the duration of employment and remuneration. AuRoom is responsible for the following employment aspects.

Work time evidence
Work management
Social + taxes
Salary management
Work clothing
Safety + training
Rozmowy kwalifikacyjne


AuRoom carries out the recruitment and selection process carefully and comprehensively. Starting from searching for candidates, through conducting job interviews, assistance in completing official and emigration formalities, to checking skills. Thanks to our extensive and daily expanding database of candidates, we search for the right people who meet the requirements in terms of availability, skills and predispositions for a given job position. We work with both candidates for entry-level positions and professionals.

Recruitment process conducted by a professional head-hunting team
30-day guarantee for the employed person before fee payment
Access to candidates from many regions of the world
Providing 100% of demand within 60 days of receiving the order
PrzeglÄ…danie CV


Finding the right employee from a foreign country is only the beginning of a long journey for every entrepreneur who wants to ensure stability of his company by securing reliable workforce. Recruitment alone is often only the tip of the iceberg of the emigration process for a foreigner willing to work in Europe. AuRoom offers a consulting service for clients who want to take care of the recruitment and employment of foreigners in-house, but lack experience, time or appropriate knowledge to do it successfully. AuRoom will help you navigate through this process, correctly file necessary documentation and maximize the chances of your candidates to receive work visa. 

Type A work pertmit
Type S work pertmit
Viza documentation
Appeal letters
Government relations
Drivers license transfer
Obtaining bank account
Obtaining ID number
Immigation + Adminstration
Process outsourcing
temporary workers

Frequently asked Questions

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