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AuRoom Staffing Solutions is your favorite employer.

Baza wiedzy

Dlaczego AuRoom?

AuRoom to pracodawca równej szansy.

AuRoom Staffing Solutions to innowacyjny pracodawca. Nasza firma Å›wiadczy kompleksowe usÅ‚ugi w zakresie zasobów ludzkich. AuRoom to nie tylko to, co potocznie nazywa siÄ™ „agencjÄ… pracy”. W pierwszej kolejnoÅ›ci, AuRoom jest pracodawcÄ…, dostawcÄ… usÅ‚ug outsourcingu procesów, doradcÄ… imigracyjnym, firmÄ… zajmujÄ…cÄ… siÄ™ doradztwem zawodowym i rekrutacjÄ…. AuRoom koncentruje siÄ™ na kompleksowej rekrutacji odpowiednich kandydatów na wolne stanowiska pracy w Polsce i caÅ‚ym obszarze Europy Åšrodkowej. Rewolucjonizujemy doÅ›wiadczenie kandydatów do pracy, szukajÄ…cych zatrudnienia przez tak zwane „agencje pracy” zapewniajÄ…c prawdziwie kompleksowÄ… usÅ‚ugÄ™ osobom speÅ‚niajÄ…cym kryteria zatrudnienia naszych klientów.


Od chwili, gdy się z nami skontaktujesz, zajmiemy się wszystkim za Ciebie, zaczynając od dopasowania Twoich oczekiwań finansowych i życiowych po znalezienia stanowiska pracy odpowiadającego twoim umiejętnościom i wymaganiom. Ponadto zajmujemy się całym procesem imigracyjnym zabezpieczając i dostarczając niezbędną dokumentację do podjęcia pracy za granicą.

Experienced Advisor Service

Our recruiter will evaluate your skills and recommend a suitable employer and position. 

Constant Diligent Care

We take care of your accommodation, transportation, taxes, healthcare etc. - no hidden fees or unclear pricing.

One Employer - One Point of Contact

Upon arrival in Europe, we take care of all your needs - from transportation to the workplace, to providing you with a phone plan, internet, food, and other essential needs.

Work Permit

- Type S work permit
- Type A work permit
- Labour office verifications
- Communication with labour office

TRC card

- TRC Preparation
- TRC Application
- TRC Transfer
- Communication with government


- Cheap housing
- No rent contract with landlords
- heat, water, electricity, internet
- coordinators and cleaning personnel

Transparent Placement Process

We will guide you through the whole work placement, visa application, insurance and travel process. 

European Work Standards

AuRoom works only with trusted employers - we make sure your work environment and equipment is safe.

The World of Opportunities

We love to see people thrive. If you prove to be an excellent employee and a great person, AuRoom will present you with promotion possibilities or job change options.

Visa Documentation

- Necessary statements
- Employer's documentation
- Employee's requirements
- Document translation for consulates


- Employee Training
- Administrative representation
- Emergency situation handling


- Cheap or free transportation
- home-work-home service
- Emergency situation transportation
- 24h accessibility with notice


Rated                          on Google


Mthulisi Ndlovu

Steel Construction Factory

Working with AuRoom Staffing Solutions has been nothing less of personal fulfillment and absolute pleasure. The multicultural work space is such an awesome opportunity for growth, interpersonal skills development, full of great energy and a whole team of progressive young minds who are also open minded, loving, kind and friendly. This is home away from home, this is family, I love it here!
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Bhaskara Rao Karakula

MAG Welder

Auroom Staffing Solutions is really good with workers. I am working as a MAG welder. I'm so comfortable with them and my boss is so sweet with people in the way they care and the way they talk and the way they helping workers. Finally I just want to say big thank you to all the Auroom Staffing Solutions team.
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Tulasa Rao Rati

Metal Grinder

I am working as a grinder in Auroom Staffing Solutions. It's a really good company. They they take good of me and other workers. I really want to say thank you so much to Auroom Staffing Solutions.

Frequently asked Questions

Have more questions? Great! Ask us anything via chat in the lower right corner.

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